Checking in with the Doctor: We elected Biden as President. Isn’t my job over?


A lot of people are probably thinking this same thing with a warm fuzzy feeling. They voted for the “right person”, fulfilled democracy, and participated in the social experiment. They chose a candidate that stands for peace and promises to care for all of us despite partisan beliefs. As a person of color in this country I still have so many questions!To begin, know that I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I’m an Independent Thinker & Black Intellectual. For the past three presidential elections, I was thriving in the city of Chicago. Living on Lakeshore Drive with a view of the sunrise & Navy Pier. The city Barack Obama resided in. Shout out to Hyde Park. It was a breath of fresh air to live in a “Blue” state where diversity & open-mindedness were fully transparent. Although I lived a charmed life, racism was still prominent & apparent from day-to-day. Disparities were clear in the public school system I worked in all the way to my Gold Coast Residence. Fast forward to the present, I am now back in my hometown Kansas City, Missouri watching people I’ve cultivated relationships with and the revealing of their true selves. The current president may be voted out of office, but the rhetoric that got him elected is stronger than ever. He only amplified voices of closeted racists, micro aggressors & overt hate groups. Here are the basic facts: the capital that supported his growth is indicative of a system of oppression that began with the trading of black human bodies. The constitution that supports his corruption stated that me and my Ancestors are only 3/5ths human. The legal system and media only fuel stereotypes & stoke fires of white patriarchy & privilege.

There is still so much to unpack and unlearn! So how can allies hang on? Really lean into your anti-racist beliefs! Have the difficult conversations based on fact. Seraphine briefly mentioned the Imposter Syndrome in our last session. Change your self-talk and know that your work is pertinent and progressive. Stay the course.
Furthermore, If you are a republican-more specifically a Trump supporter- you are entitled to your opinion. It just makes me question what you think about me as an outspoken Black woman. Also contemplating what you think about anyone who has the audacity to be different than you. Xenophobia is too common among Americans both conservative and liberal alike. Diverse humans have to learn to stand in their strength. There is a light within all of us-will you choose to shine with hope and positivity?


Reeling it in with carrah quigley